A marriage of kung-fu and modern technology could revolutionize the way Chinese martial arts is studied.

ImageImagine taking Yip Man and his wing chun lineage anywhere. Imagine training side by side with Ip Chun and Yip Pui anytime you want. Imagine calling up the masters and their art at a moment’s notice. Well, imagination has turned to reality thanks to the new Wing Chun Masters iPhone/iPad App. To talk more about this is Marc Crook, one of the program’s creators.

INSIDE KUNG-FU: What made you think a wing chun application was needed?
MARC CROOK: Those familiar with wing chun know that it is one of the most efficient and effective systems in the realm of martial arts. One of the problems is that the art has been increasingly overshadowed thanks to other art forms seen in competitive fighting circles and other entertainment. This has led to fewer available schools and resources for the wing chun community.

IKF: What can you get from this operation you can't get from something else?
MC: It should be said that technology will never beat attending live classes taught by proper and experienced teachers. Besides the classroom, no other single medium really offers the type of interactive and educational experience in this application. Books and DVD’s can contain endless amounts of information but lack the convenience and straightforwardness that Wing Chun Masters is offering. Even the internet can become somewhat daunting; it is chock full of differing points of view from nameless practitioners and writers. Wing Chun Masters offers a convenient, interactive and straightforward reference tool for practitioners of any level.

ImageIKF: How will you find it?
MC: People can go directly to Apple’s iPhone application store or check out www.WingChunMasters.com for more information.

IKF: What are you trying to accomplish?
MC: Grandmaster Ip Chun put it best when he said that he wanted to spread and teach wing chun to the masses by whatever means possible. There is so much more to wing chun than just the obvious benefit of self-defense. Studied properly, one can learn so much about his body and as a result lead a healthier, fit life. This application will help those studying wing chun to advance and raise interest in those who don’t even know about the art.

IKF: How was this shot (green screen, et. al)?
MC: This is really where the application separates itself from other instructional videos and software. Half the videos were filmed as live action in front of a green screen, while the other half were caught on a motion capture stage and then 3D animated. One reason was to create something enjoyable to watch but more importantly, it was to create the best portrayal of each technique and movement. With the green screen we were able to maintain consistent lighting and camerawork for as many shots and angles as we needed, knowing we could just add the proper background afterward. The motion capture was even more thorough; the actual movements of the practitioners were recorded not as video but as data. This meant that after all the performances we could make them look however we please and put the camera wherever we wanted while editing. This allowed us the freedom of highlighting the most important aspects of the techniques.

ImageIKF: How long did it take to plan?
MC: Initially, the application seemed like it would be quite simple and straightforward. When working with grandmaster Ip Chun became a reality, we knew that our quality of work needed to honor the quality of teaching grandmaster Ip Chun has provided to his students. For that reason it seemed as if we were constantly planning and making changes for the months between meeting Ip Chun to the very second before pressing record on the camera.
Every scene shot was done just as it would in practice. Rather than someone on screen speaking, every video is explained with a voice over to avoid distraction. All the music and sound was done professionally in New York with great results.

IKF: Who demonstrated the techniques?
MC: Master Yip Pui and his students from New York City demonstrated all the techniques in the application. Master Yip Pui is the only teacher certified by grandmaster Ip Chun within the U.S. Some of these students have even been asked to demonstrate with Ip Chun during his visits to the U.S. in the past.
It should be noted that the students involved are actually from a variety of skill levels. Some have been practicing for only a year while others are certified assistant instructors with 10-plus years of training. It was important to show that practitioners of any level, size or gender can quickly learn and effectively use a form such as wing chun.

IKF: What branch of wing chun did you use to demonstrate your techniques?
MC: The branch of wing chun taught in this application is arguably the most respected and pure. It is of the grandmaster Ip Man lineage. His son, Ip Chun, gave his blessing to create this application with the help of his student Yip Pui in New York. Those arguing that they trained from a descendant of Ip Man would be hard pressed to find a more direct line than this one.

ImageIKF: How long is the application?

MC: The application has over 40 different video, which add up to nearly an hour’s worth of playtime. On top of those videos are supplemental text sections and pictures to help further explain and highlight aspects of the martial art. Those willing to properly learn from this application could spend countless hours on what it has to offer.

IKF: It is form or both form and application?
MC: This application was really made with something for everyone. From the basics section, a beginner can learn the basics of the wing chun stance and how to properly and efficiently step. Also included is the staple of wing chun, the siu nim tau form with a step-by-step breakdown plus separate videos on how many of the movements are applied in real combat. There are a variety of situational self-defense techniques ranging from beginner to more advanced skill levels. The basics of chi sau are included along with a number of combinations for people to try. One of the most exciting aspects is the 3D animated portrayal of the wooden dummy form where the dummy is actually partially transparent for a view, which has never been seen before.

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How to Find it?
Go directly to Apple’s iPhone application store or check out www.WingChunMasters.com.

The Facts
Wing Chun Ipad App
From: WingChunMasters.com
Style: Wing chun from grandmaster Ip Chun
Cost: $9.95
Services: 1 hour of instruction

Did You Know?
* Every video is explained with a voice over to avoid distraction.
* All the music and sound was done professionally in New York.
* There is a 3D animated portrayal of the wooden dummy form where the dummy is actually partially transparent for a view.