Bruce Lee Forever
Welcome to the launch Bruce Lee Forever, a monthly column that will bring you new insights into the legend of Bruce Lee. Every month this column will feature stories, anecdotes and an inside look into the life and legend of the Little Dragon. Some of these stories will feature never-before-seen images and material from the life of Bruce Lee.
Video Game Reviews
Transformers: War for Cybertron
Transformers: War for Cybertron is the newest Transformers game. It is not based on the more recent movies.
Choy Li Futs Secret Weapon
The little-known half fist is one of choy li fut’s most-powerful strikes.
Often called the leopard fist, the half fist is one of the most-potent tools in choy li fut’s arsenal. It is a sharp, cutting fist that can strike a variety of vital areas, including tight ones such as the throat, eyes and solar plexus.
The Gentle Giant Killer
Despite tai chi chuan’s reputation as a health exercise reserved for today baby-boomers, the style has as impressive and storied history that dates back hundreds of years and includes external aspects at its core.
Celebrity FitnessDolph Lundgren
Sharing screen-time with director/producer/star Stallone was a dream-team of action aces, including Jet Li, Jason Statham, Mickey Rourke, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin. Randy Couture… and the familiar face of one of Sly’s most iconic adversaries, “The Siberian Express,” himself—Dolph Lundgren.
Macho Products
With its new “Genesis” line, Macho Products takes its rightful place as the industry leader in martial arts safety gear.
Solving the JKD Mystery
Forget about martial arts menu. JKD gives you one answer for every fight scenerio.
Like countless martial artists, I used to approach the art of jeet kune do as though it was some kind of mystery or puzzle.
Xing Yis Power Source
(Editor’s Note: In part one, Di Guoyong, the man once called “Old Joints” because of his arthritic body, talked about how xing yi quan led to an amazing physical transformation. In part 2, he discusses weapons training and developing internal power.)
Secret Health Techniques of the Ancient Chinese
No matter how well a martial artist knows his form or techniques, it will be of little use in fighting or tournament competition unless his body is well-conditioned—both externally and internally. The need for physical fitness is not a new concept to fighting styles.
Splashing Hands
Splashing hands remains one of the Shaolin Temple’s best-kept martial arts secrets. Around 1700, Shaolin monks charged with guarding the temple gates developed a close-in fighting system of kung-fu called splashing hands (飛濺的手), because the movement of the hands mimic the way we shake off excess water.
Go East Young Man
7-Year-Old Andre Magnum wows monks at The Shaolin Temple. The first thing you notice about Andre Xavier Magnum is his untamable, flaming, orange hair. The next thing you notice is his contagious amount of energy.
Lions Roar
Never Let Your Mind Fail You An angry mind is a weak mind. A weak mind soon becomes a sick mind. And you’ll have to agree that sick minds suck.Do you really find yourself admiring a fighter who can’t control his temper?What would make any person value the loss of self-control?